Apologies to RSS readers of the old blog

Sorry, I’ve turned the redirect on and off a few times. Thought I had found a way to redirect the main page without redirecting the feed but it hasn’t worked, so there’s a large gap that starts with talking about this blog like it’s been here for a while. It has, couple years now. You haven’t missed much (some top 10 lists). I didn’t plan the RSS to redirect at all it’s just a thing that happens. I liked the idea of a clean full stop to the old feed, which is why I stopped the redirection and deleted the feed. But I wanted the page gone without deleting the blog. I found a way to delete the feed (unless you were already subscribed), and everything looked nice and neat. But the internet is not nice and neat and apparently has its own idea of how things go down. It’s possible you’ve even visited the page without noticing the url change. I really didn’t make it clear. Or I might have in a posted the explanation in an entirely new feed. (Not much use to you! Heh heh, please subscribe to the new feed.) According to Google there are still 15 of you. (There were only 10 when the blog was running and that’s still 9 more than sub to the new one.) Of course the internet isn’t as popular as it was 2 years ago, so I can’t expect much. (Altho people say RSS is dead, but I gained readers on a dead blog.)

If I can keep it going in some kind of consistent direction, I might become a fan enough of my own work to make a facebook fan page. So far I’ve mostly been into the design of the thing. But if everyone looks at the net on their phone now (…when did nerds become such fashion victims, just saying…) it’s probably not a great idea to keep spending time on how it looks on the screen. “How about the writing, Jim, maybe work on the writing more.” Yeah, that’s a good one, Disembodied Voice Of The Blog. “Have you thought about maybe writing some record reviews?” This post is OVER. %

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